Farm Bill
The farm bill is the primary U.S. legislation that looks after farmers to protect their livelihood and sustain crop production. It is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, updated about every five years, and includes titles on commodity programs, trade, rural development, farm credit, conservation, agricultural research, food and nutrition, marketing and more. The USCA ensures that canola is represented equitably and appropriately in all titles and initiates canola-specific measures when relevant, such as an incentive for planting crops that provide pollinator habitat. The 2018 Farm Bill (Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018) was passed in April 2019. The next version should be up for renewal in 2023.
Letter to House and Senate leadership re: passage of a 2024 farm bill 7.22.24
Letter to House Agriculture Committee Chair re: Draft Farm Bill 5.22.24
Transcript of USCA President Testimony on 2023 Farm Bill to House Ag Subcommittee 4.26.23
Coalition Letter to Congressional Budget Committees re: Farm Bill 3.14.23
Farm Group Letter to USDA re: Quality Loss and WHIP+ 10.16.19
Letter to House and Senate ag leaders to fund Farm Ranch Stress Assistance Network 3.25.19