Grower Resources
Production Manuals
The USCA Canola Growers Manual (2008), written by researchers from the University of Idaho and Oregon State University, provides an in-depth look at all aspects of producing spring and winter canola – from the crop’s history to cultivar types to control of weeds, insects and diseases. (Note some sections need updating to current recommendations.)
Specific to spring canola are production guides from North Dakota State University and South Dakota State University.
Kansas State University, University of Georgia, University of Missouri and University of Arkansas offer winter canola production guides includes information about growing winter canola with cover crops and as a cover crop itself.
Weed resistance best management practices are provided by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee of CropLife International.
Variety Trials
These annual trials are an integral part of U.S. field research on both spring and winter canola. They evaluate hybrid performance and attributes, such as blackleg resistance, oil content and seed yield. Testing varieties in regional trials across the U.S. helps farmers determine which ones will have the most potential for success on their farms.
Spring canola variety trials take place through North Dakota State University and winter canola trials via Oklahoma State University and the National Winter Canola Variety Trial administered by Kansas State University. Trials on both types of canola are conducted at Washington State University.
Regional Canola Associations
Northern Canola Growers Association
Based in Bismarck, N.D., the NCGA promotes efficient canola production in North Dakota through farmer education, public and private research, labeling and registration of crop protection products. It promotes uniform seed and product standards and works to implement state agricultural policies that will enhance development of the industry.
Great Plains Canola Association
The GPCA in Stillwater, Okla., works to increase canola acreage in the Great Plains, providing grower education, research support, industry news and information about canola programs.
Minnesota Canola Council
The MCC in Stillwater, Okla., works to increase canola acreage in Minnesota, providing grower education, research support, industry news and information about canola programs.
Pacific Northwest Canola Association
The new PNWCA works to increase canola acreage in Minnesota, providing grower education, research support, industry news and information about canola programs.
Great Lakes Canola Association
The GLCA is a network of five regional extension offices affiliated with Michigan State University, Ohio State University, Purdue, Southern Illinois University and Virginia State University.
Canola Council of Canada
This organization represents the Canadian canola industry, however, it offers practical and technical information about spring canola production that is relevant to the Northern Plains. The website has in-depth information about canola seed, oil and meal as well as downloadable, high-resolution images.